Friday, 30 November 2012

I have vitiligo, what to do?

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that can appear to any human being. Due to high unpredictable history, it is still a mystery that how this disease actually starts. Regardless of the reason important point is that what to do when you are affected with vitiligo. Going into state of deep depressions and over reacting even to put everything on stake is not wise. First analyze your routine activities, diet plan and overall body function. If there is any deficiency, try to remove that first. For example, constipation is very common with almost every third person and often neglected. It looks ordinary but indicates very severe side effects including malfunctioning of immunity.
Deficiency of required vitamins leads towards skin dryness and as a result appears in different skin diseases including vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, itching, rashes etc. Coming back to vitiligo treatment is it recommended to change dining habits and increase the portion of using fresh vegetables.

Things to avoid

  • Do not use fish and spicy meat or anything that generates extra calories and heat. It disturbs stomach performance

  • Avoid long sun bath and whenever go outside use some sort of sun block
  • Use a balance diet plan and including all health ingredients as part of it. Don’t hesitate to take grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables and other natural products

User natural vitiligo treatment options

There are different products in the market who claims to be the best treatment for vitiligo. You must perform a comprehensive search before taking any medication. If buying online product, make sure it is offered by a legitimate company. Check their reviews, make a price comparison and get explanation before making your final purchase. Just like Ez Vitiligo-Cure Oil is a distinctive vitiligo treatment that is manufactured with pure herbs only. We highly recommend using this product before going anywhere else.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Types and characteristics of human skin

Human skin is outer visible layer of human body. This is the skin that first reacts and sends relevant message to or mind. An instant alert is sent to brain in case any cool or hot conditions, wound or any unusual happening is identified by skin organs. On the basis of this initial info, our brain responds accordingly. This simple statement can describe its importance however apart from its role in body structure we do care our skin because of its significant visibility. Doesn’t matter if your internal anatomy is weak but if physical appearance is not good you cannot leave a strong first personality impression. That’s why we pay special attention to our skin and always look to keep it attractive.
For efficient skin conditions it is important to have basic knowledge of your skin, its attributes and how it behaves in different conditions. Regardless of complexions, here we shall discuss two major skin types:

Oily Skin

With this type of skin, the process of skin oil production becomes quicker and more efficient than routine. It can occur due to high energetic diet or genetically transferred. It also varies from weather season like in summer people often complain the shine and thickness. Although it cannot be 100% covered but with the use of wise diet plan one can reduce the intensity of skin shine. One of big advantages of oily skin is its power of saving from skin diseases. As skin oil is produced heavily, it acts as a wall for skin diseases.

Dry Skin

Dry skin feels erupted, harsh and sometimes appears as rashes. Lack of required water level within the body is one of biggest reason of dryness. Use of dry kind of food that does not produce the required calories is also one of reasons. Dry skin patients should use moisturizers regularly. Use vegetables, fruits and energy intakes.

What kind of skin is an easy target of vitiligo?

Although vitiligo is quite unpredictable disease yet studies have revealed that in most of cases it is a genetically driven skin disorder. However it is also reported that people who have dry skin and deficiency of skin reproduction system are easy victims of vitiligo as compared to oily skin. All natural vitiligo treatment products basically enhance the power of skin to work proficiently. Comparatively dryness is more dangerous condition for the skin and should be treated appropriately.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Natural remedies for vitiligo prevention

Being skin conscious and taking its extra ordinary care is quite natural for every human being. Whether its men, women or even growing teenager, if their apparent skin is not normal, it can create extra sensitivity. Especially when it is vitiligo, it can be even worst as it is one of obstinate skin disorder that turns the skin as white patches. If these white spots appear on uncovered areas like face, neck, hands, knees, they are more irritating. Obviously everyone wants to look handsome and these unwanted spots shatter the confidence. People even engage themselves into heavy make ups and try to disguise their affected skin area.

There are many kinds of skin disorders that have their own significant impacts, however here we shall primarily discuss how to avoid them particularly getting rid of vitiligo and taking preemptive measures. We all know that our skin is comprised of many layers with their specific functions and anatomy. Efficient working skin layers directly proportionate with good health. If your body structure is well maintained there are very few chances of skin diseases and vice versa. Unfortunately our lifestyle is changed to readymade mode where due to lack of time we find it hard to use natural edible items that are source of energy and vitamins.

Significant of nature

Deficiency of required vitamins is a big cause of skin diseases. For example lack of vitamin D affects the skin pigmentation process that may lead to vitiligo. However it is not the only reason. Direct sunshine is a great source of absorbing V D directly into the body and we can save ourselves from major skin setbacks by just adding this small activity to our busy life. This is only one example of how effectively we can strengthen our health through natural remedies.

Similarly there are certain vegetables and fruits that are a great source of required vitamins. If we use them regularly, we can definitely keep ourselves safe. Here are some important and easily available items:


Ginger is a beautiful example of nature power. If we only use it regularly, it will be sufficient to keep our body functions smooth and get rid of skin hypo-pigmentation. It is a natural source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins. There isn’t any extra ordinary big effort to bring ginger into your life. Usually we all take tea in different sections of the day. Just turn it as a ginger tea once a day. Ideally boil the ginger root water for your tea however its powder is also available in the market.


Almond oil is a complete skin care moisturizer that softens the upper visible layer to utmost levels. Regular massage of almond oil can keep skin cells efficient. Use of almond seed is a high source of energy, carbohydrates, vitamin and protein. Take 5 to 7 nuts daily, it will keep your health all good.


Turmeric is a fantastic natural anti aging agent and extensively for skin care in South Asian countries. From ancient times it is being used as anti bacterial agent as well. Regular use of turmeric along with milk enhances immunity power to fight against any kind of harmful bacteria.

Aloe Vera

With its multiple benefits, Aloe Vera is a commonly available plant that can be found quite easily. It is very effective for skin protection, wound healing, plaques protection and many other diseases. Even one can regularly use one drop of Aloe Vera compound on daily basis and keep away from diseases.

There is a huge list of such natural plants and species that we can use in day to day life and enjoy a healthier living. Just need to get proper awareness of their effectiveness. Always take a balance diet and try to use as much pure vegetables as you can.

All the above items can act as preemptive measures from vitiligo. However still if one is victimized by this disease, there is no need to be panic. Use Ez Vitiligo-Cure oil that is a guaranteed treatment of vitiligo and removes white spots within 60 days.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

How to treat vitiligo skin disorder?

Vitiligo is a typical type of skin disorder where its color turns as white. In dermatology terms, it is disorder of skin pigmentation where melanocytes do not produce the required melanin (a substance that generates brownish color). These white spots can appear on any part of the body, spread over aggressively or passively. Regardless of age, gender and region, vitiligo may visible to anyone whatsoever. Mostly these spots emerge on open body parts like face, hands, neck etc but not necessarily. This can be a chronic disease and prolong for longer time.

Cause of vitiligo skin disorder

Yet no one has predicted the exact and compact reason of its origin whilst there are two major factors that are commonly observed in vitiligo patients as one of root causes. They are autoimmune system irregularity and too much sun bathing or going around direct sunshine for longer times. Some genetically inherited patients are also identified.

How to identify?

This is a simple do it yourself test that can tell if someone is affected with vitiligo or not. Vitiligo spots only appear in the form of white patches. Even it can start as a small dot that can enhance further in couple of days. Mostly armpit, eyes, cheeks, neck, hands and knees are the most common areas where these spots come into sight. If you feel something unusual with your skin particularly in terms of whitish, start paying attention and observe it for some days. It is also recommended to use some instant natural remedies like coconut oil and massage it. If it is a short term spot, it will vanish after few days. However if it prevails for many days and skin is white in color, it is a clear symptom of vitiligo.

Treatment of vitiligo skin disorder

Getting sensitive about skin is a natural reaction but normally people overreact and instead of finding some natural rectifications, they put their precious money, time and health on stake. Once you know about vitiligo, don’t panic and as a first remedy try to discuss it with friends and senior family members. Usually they can suggest some short but very effective prescriptions. Still if you don’t find any appropriate solution then Herbal Weeds is always here to serve and save from all hassles.
For an effective and result oriented vitiligo treatment, just use our vitiligo cure oil according the given directions and get rid of white spots forever. If the disease is new, it will be healed within days.

Important suggestion to avoid vitiligo

Vitamins play a significant role to keep our body efficient. If the required calories are maintained, there are rare chances to be affected with vitiligo and even other diseases as well. We highly recommend using fresh vegetables in routine dinning. They are the biggest source of the energy required for human body. Keep your diet balanced and increase immunity to fight against unwanted infections.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Michael Jackson Vitiligo

Whenever the word ‘vitiligo’ appears in front of any MJ fan, all his memories are automatically triggered like a flash. Although vitiligo is an established disease, it will not be a wrong statement even if we say that vitiligo disease got global prominence once it was appeared with Michael Jackson. As per Wikipedia he was diagnosed with vitiligo in 1986 and claimed that he didn’t bleach his skin. He always claimed that he used make up techniques to hide the white spots and his makeup artist has accepted this fact.

No doubt vitiligo is a kind of disease that leaves long lasting effects on social life and particularly if the person is a celebrity, it is even more difficult to face the audience with confidence. This is human psyche that if there is any unwanted mark on any prominent part of the body, it is quite natural to disguise it and sometimes it may case confidence shattering. Michael Jackson was an exceptional hero who faced it with high levels of confidence and never let him down.

Fortunately now, we have introduced the most effective and result oriented treatment for vitiligo that removes white spots from any part of your body. Our Vitiligo-Cure Oil is prepared with pure herbs, free from all major side effects and for external use only. You can get rid of vitiligo just within 60 days with money back guarantee.

Friday, 23 November 2012

How to recognize whether you have vitiligo or not?

Vitiligo is a unique skin disease where vitiligo patient do not feel any kind of pain or physical disturbance. It appears only in the form white patches that actually reflect pigmentation disorder where skin cells do not get the required substance responsible to keep the skin as colored. Basically problem occurs into the upper layer of the skin ‘Epidermis’ where Melanocytes (a process that pigments the melanin, brownish substance) are not produced properly and as a result skin becomes white. The process of pigmentation can be stopped for any part of the body. It may restrain to that part only or spread over other body areas rapidly or gradually.

These white patches may appear as a single white dot or a small white area. Sometimes they appear for a short period of time and disappear themselves. But if you notice those spots for couple of days (2 weeks) and they don’t disappear, then there is something serious happen with your skin. It is also observed that vitiligo does not arise from skin fungus. So be careful while taking its treatment. Autoimmune disorder is one of root causes for vitiligo and many other skin related problems. It should be properly treated and while consulting your doctor always discuss all these points.

Here are some examples pictures that can help you to identify vitiligo:

vitiligo cure oil testimonial

Where to get vitiligo treatment?

If these are white spots, it is vitiligo for sure. Once you are identified, don’t take medication decision in a hurry as it may lose your money as well as time. Spend some time to analyze the available vitiligo cure options in the market and try to pick the best one. One quick decision making factor is to see the product reviews. If other people are getting cure then you can also take a chance.

At Herbal Weeds, we know all the situations arise in patient mind and keeping them in view manufactured an amazing herbal product that is turning out to be the world’s best vitiligo treatment. It is Vitiligo-Cure oil, a clinically proved natural formula that removes vitiligo white patches within 60 days. It is available with money back guarantee.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

How does vitiligo-cure oil helps the skin pigmentation

The scientific and documented study shows that the vitiligo-cure oil helps to:
  • Enhances melanocyte formation by stimulating the natural process called melanogenesis
  • Reins hereditary temperament by using the oil
  • Treats after effects of environmental factors.
  • Treats aftereffects of emotional stress which may have triggered the disease process of vitiligo
Vitiligo is an obstinate, difficult disease which is largely considered incurable but now Herbal Weeds presents the most effective oil which ensures skin re-pigmentation at highest levels. The duration of vitiligo treatment depends on the following parameters:

  • If your degree of vitiligo is smaller in amount of spots’ healing would faster while in high degree of vitiligo it take time to heal
  • If your magnitude of sports is large it may respond not quickly rather than smaller spots show quick result in a fortnight
  • Vitiligo on the finger tips, lips, corner of the mouth, may take long time or some time do not show good results as desires. It is advised that patients must carry on the treatment for a long period

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

More questions and answers for vitiligo help

Question: I heard that vitiligo patients with gray hair can’t dye our hair black or jet black because it might just cause the hair to actually turn dark green or another color. Can somebody please give me some insight into this question before I purchase just for men hair dye because I’m getting sick of this gray hair?

Answer: It is the extreme condition of vitiligo when a person has vitiligo and his/her hair become white or gray. It is better to avoid dying your hair as it may cause of severe allergy and can penetrate at whole hair area. You may suffer into scalp and itching. Ideally you should first cure vitiligo area and then go for any color.

Question: How is Thyroid function related to Vitiligo?

Answer: Thyroid is the most effective gland in the body. It produces hormones that influence almost all of the metabolic process in the body. The disorder caused due to thyroid glands can be as small as goiter (swelling of neck or larynx) or life threatening disease like cancer (uncontrolled growth of cells).

Vitiligo is although not life threatening but is a chronic disease, in which white patches appear on different parts of body. These white patches appears as the melancytes (pigmentation cells) are unable to produce enough amount of melanin (pigments) required by the body. This is because these pigmentation cells are either damaged or die.

Most of the researches believe on the theory that such dysfunction of melancytes is caused due to the antigens that is produced by immune system because of the autoimmune disease. These Autoimmune diseases that are associated with Vitiligo include: hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the term for overactive tissue within the thyroid gland causing an overproduction of thyroid hormones that causes the immune system to malfunction. The immune system due to overactive response, detect melancytes as a foreign bodies and fight to kill them. Therefore, white patches of hypo-pigmentation appear on the body.

Like hyperthyroidism the treatment for re-pigmentation can not give a sure vitiligo cure method. But according to the research that has been conducted have lead to some treatments that are being used world widely.

Most of the people all around the world are dissatisfied with the results of allopathic ways and therefore natural vitiligo treatment is being used by most of vitiligo sufferer as the results are way better if compared.

Question3: Vitiligo and alopesia are related to each other?

Answer: Vitiligo and alopecia are conditions that affect the skin. However, their symptoms, causes and treatment are quite different. Many people that have vitiligo also have alopecia. In many cases, patients cannot be cured. Both are not life threatening, and may not cause any pain at all. People with alopecia are more prone to irritation caused by the condition but should not worry about failing health.
Question4: Can vitiligo affect your children’s skin color?

Answer: Most people with vitiligo have no relatives with vitiligo. However, enough people with vitiligo do have parents, or siblings or children who develop vitiligo that a genetic factor does appear to exist.

Question5: If vitiligo is on lips then how much it will take time to recover? I have vitiligo on my lips for the last 2years; my doctor advises me for surgery! I also consult with homeopathic consultant but the same reply that on lips it is very hard to cure or it will take long time to cure. More over I have one question that if vitiligo is on face especially on nose then how much it will take time to recover. What is role of stress in vitiligo?

Answer: It is common saying that vitiligo on lips and on figure tows can not be cure. Even allopathic and homeopathic practitioners have the same reply. Especially in allopathic, it is observed that surgery is the only solution that is an expensive method.

Here we come with an exclusive product that completely removes vitiligo on lips and figure tows. Our Vitiligo-Cure Oil is 100% effective. However as these are special areas, normally it takes 6 to 7 months to fully remove white patches.

Vitiligo on face including eyebrows, nose, forehead, neck, chest, back and armpits is curable now. Our vitiligo cure oil starts showing results in only 15 days and your skins responds quickly it will be completely cure within 2 to 3 months.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Some common questions for vitiligo help

Question 1: What causes the outbreak of vitiligo?

There are different opinions as to the outbreak mechanism profusion of vitiligo. It is generally thought that outbreaks occur in individuals who have inherited a propensity for the disease. As any number of factors in the patient’s life and physical condition take place, functions for the immunity, nerve, spirit and endocrine system result in the repression of the enzyme system or the breakage of the melanin cell. This impairs the melanin production system of the body, eventually resulting in a loss of pigment in the skin.

Question 2: Does vitiligo have relation with sex and age?

The outbreak rate of the disease is almost equal in men and women. Though the disease can take place on people from baby to the old man, the teenager takes up most of it. Our research data shows that the outbreak age is mostly between 10-30 years old, while 25% of them get the disease before 8 years old, and about 50% take place in the awkward age. In addition, this part of patients who have the masculine household history get the disease earlier compared with the patient without masculine household history, and female outbreak time is about 5 years in advance compared with male.

Question 3: No one in my family has vitiligo. How did I get it?

One can get vitiligo even if no one in the family has or had vitiligo. Most patients of vitiligo have family history of one of the autoimmune diseases such as Vitiligo, diabetes, hypothyroid, alopecia areata, cancer, etc., which is suggestive of genetic link. Many times patients may not be fully aware of the relevant family history.